victorgrant replied

387 weeks ago

Hello to everyone, i got this problem one day ago, and i spended some time searching for fix but nothing seems to work for me.
So i live curenlty in my campus, and I used internet normaly till this moment.
I my room there is port to connect my laptop with internet (trough UTP cable).
And i connected, like everyday, to that port with my computer, and suddenly it showed me no internet.

So i decided to take router, and connect it to that port. Then i connected my laptop to that router. Now i have internet. Also if i enable wifi from that router i can have working connection.
So to understand me right it is like this:

Port(in the wall in my room)-Router-cable/wifi to my laptop >>working
Port(in the wall in my room)-Cable to my laptop >>not working (worked before)

This doesnt happen only in my room here in campus it happens to me in all rooms, also it happens in library. The thing is i cant carry that router all the time with me so i need to fix this to work troughout my day properly.

Also to connect to campus internet i need to use proxy, which is all set up like before but ethernet doesnt work.
I hope you all can understand what is the problem.

I have Windows 10 Edu x64.

Please help…

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
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