It started with my first healer. We joked around a lot about how squishy I was (and my GOD was I freaking squishy! What did they do to bear tanks?!?!?) and it eventually spilled over into group chat. She stuck with me for a couple of more runs, just the two of us talking most of the time. Eventually we picked up a couple more people who decided to stay, joking around and having a good time. We finally got a full 5 people who were just super super awesome, and we just ran instances back to back. We had some wipes, some bad pulls, I had to repair my armor twice, but dammit, I had so much freaking fun I didn't care. None of us did. We just had fun, and so, so much of it. When I finally had to leave, I got a couple of them on realID, and I really hope we get to run together again. Especially the healer. Man, nobody can put up with a squishy tank quite like she could :-P
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
JoeClark replied
392 weeks ago