just noticed that by trying to talk to the santa Orc in Orgrimmar during the Winter, he'll say a variety of things that seem to imply he's not really enjoying the spirit of christmas…''No… you can’t sit on my lap.''"A wonderous Winter’s Veil to you… uh… little <boy/girl>. Good children get special, um, discounts at any local Smokywood Pastures vendor. Yum." "I have a pretty good idea what ol’ Greatfather Winter’s gonna be doing when this shift is over. I got a bottle of Winter Veil cheer (booze) right here in my bag, and I intend to get to the bottom of it." "Yeah, sure, go ahead and tell ol’ Greatfather Winter what you’d like for this Winter’s Veil.""Ho ho hurry up."
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
JoeClark replied
393 weeks ago