victorgrant replied

394 weeks ago


I am still new to RAID and am trying to get my head around what options we have.

Our current setup has ServeRAID MR10i card connected to a backplane for 3.5" hotswap drives. We have two drives set on RAID 1 at present, leaving only two empty slots on that backplane.

We need to add more drives on a RAID array to help solve performance problems. I had been thinking adding a RAID 5 array with 3 or 4 drives on the second backplane which has 8 slots for 2.5" hotswap drives. I haven't had a chance to see if this is connected to the MR10i card yet due to access issues. If it isn't, is it possible to connect the second port on the card to a different backplane?

I didn't find the right solution from the internet.
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