Alvin Hensel replied

395 weeks ago

Most often I display the videos on my webpages like I do with graphics by resizing them to fit to the left side or right side of the page. The code I have been using does this for me and works fluently with the fluid layout. My question is does anyone know how to improve this flow?

What I mean by this is the videos that I display full page reduce in size better with the various screen sizes than do the ones I have resized to the left or right of the pages. What happens is that when the page begins to reduce the video covers up part of the text to the left or right until it fully reaches the next screen size. There is a portion of space between the standard desktop screen reducing to the tablet size where the video does not reduce quickly enough and covers the text.

Does anyone know if this is fixable? Or how do I fix it?

I didn't find the right solution from the internet.

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