johnnyhenderson replied

396 weeks ago

Following the deployment of 2.2.1 on all platforms, we launched an investigation to understand the increase of concerns and issues being reported by the community. In our investigation, we have seen a slight increase of shots being rejected by the server. As a result we are rolling out a server-side fix to address this slight increase that we have tracked. We’ll be honest, you may not feel a change as Hit Registration quality is part of an ongoing process of updates and tweaks.

We want to be clear that this fix will not address all hit registration and there are still going to be a small amount of shots that may get rejected or may appear as though they are rejected. Regarding appearance of hit rejection, there are many factors. The biggest one is related to kill cam misalignment. We are working hard to make kill cams more accurate, but at the moment they are not always reliable. Along the same lines, we are working to make the camera alignment feel more accurate.

Hit Registration quality has been an on-going priority for the development team. We monitor it closely, and when there is an increase of mentions or concerns from the community we turn to our data and tracking to understand the situation better. Sometimes our tracking does not align with the community sentiment, where we do not see an increase of hit rejection. This may mean that there are other issues you are experiencing, such as, kill cam inaccuracy, latency issues, or a bug regarding camera misalignment. We still look at videos and gifs you send us, but it may not specifically be associated with “Hit Registration” and may be something else.

We are working on all of the issues mentioned above and we appreciate your passion and dedication to helping us improve the game during Operation Health. We’ll have another update in the coming weeks on where we are at with the development of P2P feature removal, new servers, and how we’re planning on addressing high ping.

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