He felt that he was forced upon him when General Flynn had to resign because of his Russian connections. Republican leaders convinced him that they had the goods on Flynn and that he had to go. It was they that wanted McMaster at National Security. Trump has been looking for a way to get rid of him since that time.
Now, he has FOX and the right-wing state-run media outlets calling for his ouster. Trump has been sitting the stage to remove the present commander in Afghanistan and replacing him with General McMaster. It would be the equivalent of the Russian government sending one of their generals to Siberia.
The last straw seems to have been McMaster's decision to give Susan Rice, former Security Adviser, full access to a national security clearance. A betting person would wager that Trump will find a replacement for McMaster during his much-needed vacation. The wild card may be General Kelly at the Chief of Staff position. Does he have anything to say about it?
johnnyhenderson replied
397 weeks ago