There are sooooo many things still unfinished in this game, but most of all are some simple cosmetic issues, that seem to be universal.
Red Shemagh is grey. this is a REWARD for a featured mode in your game, and it doesn't display correctly.
Multicam is mustard yellow. Once in a while it bugs out and goes to the correct (Much darker, and brown) colors. Same goes for Desert Multicam.
The coyote brown color in clothing is the same as sand tone.
The animation for g33 optics is backwards.
The following guns (and all variants) are OVER sized: SASG-12, Spas-12, SR-25, mp7, BFF, p12
The following guns are UNDER sized: g28 (Like by a lot)
There are random pieces of clothing that only show up in preset random outfits, like watches, headsets, gloves, etc. Why don't we have access to these items?
There are a TON of other small issues but these are GLARINGLY obvious.
johnnyhenderson replied
397 weeks ago