My company is preparing to use Adabas Cluster, but we still have Cobol using Adabas Native SQL. According to the manual, Adabas Native SQL is not supported on cluster, because the product is not prepared to call X48.
I have some questions:
1) Is there any plan to Adabas Native SQL to support Cluster environment (and Adabas Cluster)? If so, could you please tell me the date planned to the product be available?
2) If there is no plan to use Adabas Native SQL on Cluster environment, do you have any idea how to solve it? Suppose that I have several Cobol using Native SQL, what would be your suggestion?
3) I have Cobol DB2 calling Cobol Adabas (SQL) and then calling Cobol DB2 and finally Cobol Adabas SQL, how I can do to keep the same user from the first called (Adabas SQL) to the second called (Adabas SQL), if I change Cobol Adabas Native SQL to Natural programs? How does Adabas know that the user is the same from the first called if I have an update transaction?
4) Is there any way to call x48 on Cobol direct calls? If so, it could be another solution instead of Natural programs. Could you give me an example how to call x48?
victorgrant replied
398 weeks ago