victorgrant replied

390 weeks ago

Hi all,

I have been struggling to the past few weeks now trying everything and anything to be able to overclock my GPUs. I have some RX 580s in an MSI z170a Gaming M5 motherboard.

If I have only one GPU in the board, I can access it via Afterburner just fine and control it as you should be able to. However, the moment I add a second GPU, I can no longer access any of the settings on any GPU. All readings are 0.

Here is what I see along with my settings page.
i.imgur [dot] com/523BBDa.png
i.imgur [dot] com/6pVUQtM.png

I have tried all 4 options available for the enable voltage control drop down box and get the same result no matter what.

I have uninstalled all drivers using DDU and reinstalled varying versions to try and get this working. Currently, I have a fresh install of driver version 17.7.1.

I would greatly appreciate it if someone could help point me in the right direction for troubleshooting this, because I am out of ideas now. Thank you very much to anyone who answers, I truly would appreciate your help.

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