This has bothered me for a long time now. I think GGG trusts Reddit way too much when it comes to balance decisions without considering that most of the people there have never reached lvl 90 and their only goal is to kill Shaper and then quit 2 weeks into the league to start crying about how easy the game is.
Reddit is a vocal minority. People who play the game won't go to reddit and start complaining about this and that, they just play the game. On the other hand all the salty people who don't even play anymore cry for weeks and weeks until they reach their goal of messing stuff up and then? They quit again after 2 weeks into the new league and do the same thing over and over again.
Reddit mods have a strict moderation and remove anything that criticizes their sub and balance decisions while the vocal minority keeps downvoting posts that don't get deleted leading to a full censorship of the sub and dictatorship of people who barely play the game and are just looking for drama.
Alvin Hensel replied
399 weeks ago