Title tret aja I've confused kudu how, Saint laurent isa not willing, if Yves Saint laurent nnt bbrp years already on no longer ngeh same name. But but while I use YSL aja yah Hidden Content , want to report, after so long try there try here, jatcin anget2 tahi ayam sama bbrp brand finally I found my soulmate in terms of persudahuan * yesssss .. I found my tribtoo, omg shoes2 Through deh walo the price may be much more expensive. If you look at the usual photograph aja, even the impression is strange and sempet long ragu2 to buy (knowing well I live in the countryside no mall carry this brand), but fitting dateng aduh cakeppppnyoooo, comfortable fitting foot, oiya size TTS yah. Thanks alot
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
victorgrant replied
399 weeks ago