markblake replied

400 weeks ago


I started a new job in Drogheda just over 2 months ago and I AM finding it next to impossible to find a decent place to live.
There appears to be a trend amongst owner occupiers who advertise just the bedroom and expect you to rent on a Monday-Friday basis but charge the same price as 7 days.
I am at the stage where I would like to move in and feel like I am on an equal footing with my room-mate/mates but with an owner occupier I feel that is not possible?
I am now considering taking on a lease myself but it is so expensive with all the add ons.
Anyone know of someone normal who is looking for a bright and bubbly housemate in the Drogheda/Dundalk area who is interested in all things i.e Arts,theatre,music and all things fun but likes to cook and live in a tranquil space.
? Thank you.


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