Alvin Hensel replied

399 weeks ago

Hi everyone,
I am having a huge problem with my cell phone and no one, not even my cell phone company, seems to have an answer. Here's the situation…

Last Friday I started having a lot of problems with scrambling/fax-like sounds on my phone. I can't hear the weird sounds (the sound just goes silent when this happens) but the person on the other end of the phone can hear it. Apparently it sounds awful and it's very loud. This sound disrupts almost all my calls that last more than a minute or two. So if I am having a long conversation, the other person has to hang up on me when the noise starts and keep calling and calling… in the course of a 30 minute conversation on Sunday, my brother probably called me about 7 times.
Anyone have ANY ideas? Any suggestions? I would really appreciate it! I don't want to change my phone number unless they are pretty sure it's going to make the noise go away, but they really don't know anything. This is driving me CRAZY!!! HELP!!!

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.


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