What am I missing with respect to the Command Center and the Worthy Champions buff? I have a full account of 110's on my server, all 12 classes. They've all finished their order hall and broken shore campaigns, and have all gotten their respective class mounts. In the course of doing all of that they've obviously completed the Broken Shore. A couple weeks ago when the Command Center was done and the Worthy Champions buff ("focus our efforts to provide you with a piece of Legendary Follower Equipment") popped, I cycled through each character, completed the "Boon of the Command Center" with Commander Chambers (standing by the construction table), then went in and spoke to Merris Townsend to get the legendary equipment. I'm 99% sure all 12 characters didn't contribute supplies that week, but it didn't matter.
Today I happened to notice that the Command Center is up again so I once again tried to cycle everyone though (some of the better legendary equipment is elusive af, but I have gotten enough Harpy Feathers to choke a moose) but this time, only 1 character out of 6 so far has been able to get the Boon from Chambers and get something from Merris. For the rest of them, Chambers doesn't have a turn in. He says "Wanna know the key to beating the Legion? Buildings, mate. Buildings and more buildings. Crikey!" Without turning in the Boon quest Merris will only say "It certainly wasn't easy, but we were able to procure you a piece of equipment for your Champions of the highest quality. Unfortunately our supplies are extremely limited, so we must be careful with how many we pass out." And that is that.
What am I missing between last time the Command Center was active and this time? Is there RNG involved (not just in what the buff will be when the Command Center is built, but in whether or not you're able to get the Boon)? I'm just really confused. Was I super lucky in being able to claim a piece of equipment on all 12 characters the last time? Or is there a limit or something that I don't know about? All 12 characters have 7 followers, all 7 followers are titled, they all have the same amount of legendary follower equipment … I just don't get it.
Alvin Hensel replied
400 weeks ago