Alvin Hensel replied

401 weeks ago

Hello Guys,

I went out to the green last night at 10pm and asked a group of boys (aged from about 8-12) who were playing a very loud game of football if they could keep the noise down a bit at it was getting a bit late.

Some of the boys apologised, and one rudely told me that they were playing a match (in a 'so that's that) kind of tone.

As I was walking away the rude guy immediately started shouting and creating a racket again. I heard some of the other boys shushing him and saying 'she asked us nicely'.

However he and a couple of others obviously held sway and noise continued until about 11pm.

Just wondering what time is reasonable to expect a bit of peace and quiet, if not necessarily total silence?


I didn't find the right solution from the internet.
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