I don't get it. I admit I'm a little under-informed, as I'm not spending time reading article after article about Uber's wrongdoings or scandals or leaks of 'bad' things they're doing. I'm just seeing headline after headline, thinking, wow.
See, I'm curious. Cos I bet every fucking tech company in the game has their fair share of 'shady' tactics, from Google to Apple to Amazon and even Tesla I'm willing to bet. (And I love Elon Musk.)
No one's perfect. And I understand corporate warfare, and what one may be willing to do for entrepreneurship or changing the world…take Elon Musk's snuggling up to Trump as an example. (Something I don't see any problem with, a man's gotta do what he's gotta do.)
So why Uber, in particular? It just seems a bit baffling to me. It seems a break from pattern way beyond what's realistic for one company suddenly to 'do wrong' like this - and all I see from my low-informed perspective is mob lynching psychology and the nasty side of human behavior which is to 'turn on' some individual in the group like the group of boys at creative brand video chanting on as one of them is kicked in the middle of the circle by a bully.
Given my view - that most companies are probably doing things on the level Uber's doing anyway (do you seriously fucking think Google is much better if their secrets were leaked) - anyone know what seems to going on here?
victorgrant replied
401 weeks ago