victorgrant replied

403 weeks ago

The unexpected election of Donald Trump, along with continued Republican control of both houses of Congress will have a big impact on our US priorities. While the outlook remains unclear, we've prepared the memo below examining the initial impact the election may have on issues that matter to Internet infrastructure companies and organizations.
Election Day Results
Currently, the Republican Party has a 246 to 186 majority in the U.S. House of Representatives (with three vacancies), and a 54 to 44 majority in the U.S. Senate, which also includes two independents who caucus with the Democrats.
In January, Republicans will take control of both the legislative and executive branches of government, with Donald Trump in the White House and smaller majorities for Republicans in Congress. In the House, Republicans will have a 241 to 194 majority, and in the Senate, the partisan breakdown will be 52 Republicans to 46 Democrats (with the same two independents caucusing with the Democrats).
With a unified government, Republicans have a rare opportunity where they have a high chance of successfully passing their agenda. The 60-vote filibuster rule in the Senate is the Democrat's only procedural means of preventing them from doing so.

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