I have been using Photoshop CS2 on my W7 64bit pro PC successfully for a number of years now but last week (MS update?) the program is misbehaving almost to the point that I can't use it without resorting to many additional keystrokes.
Examples; whenever I carry out an action in Photoshop like changing levels or copying one image onto another to create a new layer the images on the display together with some of the palettes just disappear. One most annoying thing that happens is when I close an image it asks me whether I want to save it, but this sub window is behind the image so I can't see it. It is as if the background moves to the foreground. I can recover my work images by minimizing (restore down) and then maximizing Photoshop, even then not all the palettes etc. come back. Sometimes when I open another program window like Window Explorer the palettes from Photoshop remain on the screen. I have to minimise Photoshop before opening Windows Explorer to ensure they are not visible.
I have already completely uninstalled CS2 and reinstalled it but the problem remains. I suspect that it is something MS has done during one of it's updates but whatever the cause can anyone suggest how I can get my program back into working order?
johnnyhenderson replied
403 weeks ago