I've currently got a 5.1 set-up that sees my Sky box and Blu-ray player connect to the subwoofer via HDMI and another HDMI run from the subwoofer to the TV. This means I get the 5.1 sound for Sky and Blu-ray, and also Netflix which is installed on the TV. Lastly, I also get sound through the speakers when I connect my MacBook to the TV to stream football.
I'd be quite interested in replacing my 5.1 set-up with the new Sky Soundbox, but I'm concerned it only seems to have one HDMI slot, whereas my current subwoofer has three HDMI slots which are all being used. Does this mean only Sky would be able to connect to it? Or would I be able to connect Sky and Blu-ray to the TV and then connect the TV to the Sky Soundbox and get sound via this for Sky, Blu-ray, Netflix and MacBook?
victorgrant replied
389 weeks ago