victorgrant replied

389 weeks ago

I was the underbidder on a group of reproducers that was won by a Forum member. He was kind enough to sell me one of them. I was attracted to the Dulcephone soundbox even though it was incomplete. It lacks the rubber flange on the back, otherwise all there. I will complete rebuilding it this weekend. I plan to glue an Exhibition flange on the back and try the soundbox out on a Victor machine just to hear what it sound like. Still, I prefer to put things back in their original shape if possible. I understand the Dulcephone machines, although composed of Swiss parts, were sold in the UK. We can readily buy the Exhibition flange. Is the same true for the Dulcephone flange? Does anyone sell it in the UK or possibly on the Continent?

Thank You!!!

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
infographic videos
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