I put a new refrigerator from Lowes in my house to sell. During negotiations, the buyer said he worked at an appliance store and preferred a lower price and no refrigerator. So, I saved it back for my next project.
I put in in my house that just closed, and the buyer sent me a text saying the refrigerator is not cooling down. I went over there, and sure enough, it's defective. The problem I have is that they put a 12 month warranty on it, and I've had it about 18 months. It has never been used. I guess legally, I am not obligated to do anything since I did not know it was defective and we already closed. But since I said the house had brand new appliances, this thing should be working. I went to Lowes today and the guy said I would have to pay for a service call plus parts. I am tempted to take a suitcase full of Lowes receipts down to the store manager and say I spend tens of thousands here and if you want to keep my business, you will take care of this. Thoughts?
victorgrant replied
390 weeks ago