victorgrant replied

391 weeks ago


ever since the quest was announced i m eager to play tanki X again. But the problem is tanki X now requires quite a large data dowNload on first launch. I belong to a small city iN india the best speed I get is 512kBps, (don't tell me to change my isp there isn't any alternative). Since my internet speed is slow and the file size is large (guessing from the size of temp folder of unity) it always gets reset connection or connection closed. I never got past that screen after massacre was introduced. After connection reset the data is again downloaded from scratch leaving me frustrated. I see some URLs in logs with file like m08_hfisks can I download them directly via my download manager cause it support resume download on connection error. If yes how to extract these files? I really wanna try tanki X. If dev can help me with a direct link of data that I can download from my download manager….

Please help…

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
Mobile App Video

last edited 391 weeks ago by victorgrant
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