Looks like Blizzard is adding a bunch of useless minor cosmetic glyphs next patch. Real fair to the subscribers compared to helms on the Blizzard store right? How do you guys feel about this? It's definitely the worse of the two, I'd rather have the helms obtainable in-game and these dumb glyphs on the store. Which took longer to make? The glyphs or the helms? Obviously our subscription is paying for the next raid and virtual realms, but that's beside the point here. The point is we subscribers are getting the lesser of two cosmetic projects. You know and I know Blizzard will bring this point up to defend themselves for example: Bli$$ard - "well to be fair we gave the players cosmetic glyphs as a way to make up for the helms on the blizzard store, so there will be no more debating this." You know they'll say some crap like that when it gets brought up on the official forums next patch. Do the glyphs reeeeeeealy make up for the helms to you?
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
JoeClark replied
392 weeks ago