Almost every thread that has something to do either the factions, or SoO's story line, is derailed into a 'whine' thread. When I say whine, I mean that leniently. Because I don't often see whining. Instead, I see players making valid points about the story, and voicing their complaints with the directions their faction has taken, and getting their opinions unnoticed, because anytime an Alliance player says something they don't like, its a whine. Now, that is not to say that we don't have a lot of Alliance babies, because we have them. A LOT of them. But why are they there? Do they all just jump on the bandwagon to complain? Maybe, or maybe a lot of them are pissed off at what they see as a blatant lie on Blizzard's fault.
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
JoeClark replied
392 weeks ago