victorgrant replied

392 weeks ago

SharePoint 2013

I am having a very hard time troubleshooting an issue using the "send to" function from a Document Library.

It Fails with "Copying to the destination did not complete successfully."

I looked into the SharePoint Logs and can find where its attempting to work but " The file ***** is checked out for editing by (username)

I look into the SharePoint Web UI and the document is checked in. I can open the document on another machine with Word edit the document and save it back. I had the user check out / check in the document again with no problems. I tried from my machine to check out/ check in the document again with no problems.

I go back to attempt to "send to" again but get the same error. Document is locked by the same user (I have waited over an hour to make sure the 10 minute lockout was not an issue)

Anyone have any other options I can try to troubleshoot this issue with? At one point this worked with no problems.

Please help…

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
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