Well when mop came along, I nearly stopped playing because of officer issues, there were disagreements, I quit there guild and had a 2-3week break. When I came back, just to see how things wear going, chat to some friends. A friend on a different realm asked if I would join him in making a new guild, I had to think about this as it was on a pvp realm, and I currently played on a pve realm. Wasn’t really a lot to thing about as my realm was dead. But I thought let’s give it a try so we made a raiding guild together. We started late raiding but we cleared all the raids up till ToT on normal and even 3 HC boss’s. Once 5.4 hit and we have SoO. He then left our guild. With some of the others and went elsewhere. I have no problem with this as things in the guild wasn’t really working so it was a mutual decision between the officers to stop raiding.
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
JoeClark replied
392 weeks ago