Hi all, This may sound silly but when possible, I call the roaster and ask them what values they use to brew their coffee and what flavor profile to expect. For example, there's a place where I really enjoy their caps. I had bought an espresso, drank it straight and was not what I expected. I then call the roaster, ask for the variables they use, such as dose amt, water temp, draw time, etc. I also ask them what flavors I should expect. I then ask the place that makes my caps what criteria they use. In this case, coffee shop's variables matched the roaster variables and the flavors I tasted at the coffee shop matched the flavors the roaster described. I then took this information and worked towards recreating it at home with my QM Anita. THAT'S how I determined, at least in one case, if my coffee was too sour. Thanks.
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
victorgrant replied
395 weeks ago