I found and joined this forum because last night before bed my PC said there was an update (creator's), asked if I wanted to delay or proceed, and this morning the update completes by giving me Windows 10.
Now I don't follow PC news as a hobby. I'm just a user. But I LOVE[ed] Win 7 Ultimate. And did not like the forced telemetry spying of Win 10 (though I'm sure such spying has been forced onto Win 7 as well). So I assume Win 10 is like Google and Facebook – it's not free, I'm now the product. I have little interest in helping MSFT (oh how I once loved you) monetize me and want to retain Windows 7.
I'm sure can save my data, wipe my drive, and reinstall Windows 7, myself. But what happens next? Will this happen again? Has MSFT declared war on old versions (again) and are they determined to drive us all to Linux? Did I fall for the banana in the tailpipe and do the equivalent of hitting "NO" to say yes to Win 10 (AGAIN!)? Or something even more nefarious?
Hopefully you folks can bring me up to speed as to how to avoid Windows 10 the next time and what last night's update was all about. Bonus points for any news on whether MSFT has added telemetry spying to Win 7 and if there's any way to stop it. Super gold stars if I can undo this Win 10 update and revert to Win 7 without a clean reinstall. ADMISSION – No, I have not backed up a ghost copy of my drive or install (not sure if that's the right way to say it, and if I knew the right way I might have done it!).
I'm 99.99999999% sure I can live without any Cortana, social media, or other nonsense gimmicks MSFT may offer with Win 10. And my aversion to it has as much to do with making a principled stand than any utility or compatibility with old software I may use so there is no need to try and sell me on how great my life will be if I just give in and switch to Win 10.
Thank you in advance for any insight you may provide.
johnnyhenderson replied
396 weeks ago