Once upon a time, most of America held their country in a much higher regard than do many citizens today. At a minimum, they thought America was a beacon of hope and liberty.
But, that appears to not be the case today? If we listen to many on the right, especially Trump supporters, America is a crude, arrogant, uncompassionate, uncharitable, dump of a third-world country. It is depressing to think that so many Americans think in such terms. It is difficult to come to terms with the idea that America no longer holds the ideals that we once held so nobly.
We have been decreased in stature by citizens that have accepted standards that are below our wildest imaginations. They were willing to accept the most crude and weak and embarrassing goals for our country. They did not see a shining city on a hill. They saw a slum, a drug-ridden den, where paranoia and hatred were the calling cards of the day. And they were happy with their results.
But, we cannot be happy. With all our faults as a nation, we are much better than the vision that they put forth. Too many have fought and died, for the progress we have made, to surrender to such weak-minded and sick partisanship as displayed by those that support Donald J Trump.
johnnyhenderson replied
397 weeks ago