markblake replied

390 weeks ago


I have an idea for an app. It would allow one to use an old iPhone for alternately answering calls i.e. when the source mobile phone sounds, I would like to be able to answer the call through a secondary (old) iPhone via Bluetooth or at the the source phone. This would be similar to alternately taking/placing a call through my car stereo.

Since the onset of mobile phones, I have noticed a huge step back for phones in the house: Before, there were multiple phones in covenient spots; now I have one phone, always have to know where I last put it down, or I then have to walk far to get to the phone in time. Its a PITA. This way, one could set their phone down, say, whrn they get in the house, and if another phone is at another spot, the call can be answered from there

…so somebody write that…I get 10% (lol)

I don't want to use any of the other systems that do something similar, no call forwarding, not WiFi, nor a hot spot for data ; I want to alternatively use my old iPhone via BT.

Thank you !!


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