Alvin Hensel replied

399 weeks ago

Hello Guys,

Over time there have been fluctuations in the information flow that comes from the dev team. Some of it is understandable, some of it is not. I think from the standpoint of the entire length of the game The information flow has, overall, been acceptable. Unfortunately in the recent past, maybe the last year or so, The player base has repeatedly had to beg for what we consider to be mundane information. Now we are here again.

We, the players, understand that as a new patch approaches the weekly updates might be slim or even not happen. However we do not think it is unreasonable to hear from you when there is a delayed patch or no patch at all. This is a glaring example of the neglect your company has decided to show your customers for going on far to long of a time frame.

Aside from the neglect, there is what appears to be an astounding level of barely hidden contempt if not out right hostility towards your players. Members of the dev team have repeatedly done things like tell the players to leave the game. When asked questions about the game the players are blamed for lack of content. When suggestions are made members of the dev team seem to take it as a personal offense and set out to "put players in their place" and "prove who's in charge". Which is just a flabbergasting attitude to have in an environment such as this.

Decisions have repeatedly been made from a (at best) completely irrational, and (by all appearances) contemptuous position. Members of the community have then asked for explanations on these decisions. Some explanations were given. Most were not. Decisions like going into the players bags and REMOVING the starfall prophecy tickets. That is not a rational decision. That is not a decision that was made that involved any part of "will the players enjoy this" mentality. Removing xp from crafting dailies. At least an explanation was provided: "because players were using them to level alts." Unfortunately everything about that explanation is indicitive of decisions being made openly AGAINST the players for no other reason than "screw 'em".


I didn't find the right solution from the internet.
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