victorgrant replied

400 weeks ago

As I said, I recently came back to rift, after the 2nd time leaving it. Old guild mates talked me into giving it a try about 2 years back, so I did, and then they all left in a matter of weeks to play swotor, leaving me solo, so I left the game once again. I came back hoping to reinvent the game, it's still loads of fun, IT Security Explainer Video but confusing as heck after not keeping up with all the changes.If anyone can point me, or simply advise me here on a good new build ( I am NOT subbed at this time) that I can solo level from 60, well 62 now, include this new legendary as I am sure I already screwed the pooch on that….also, I would like to join in some grp content, so keep in mind, I would like a solid DPS build, heal build for support and any information you could spare me on rotations macros and the like… I don't mind going and reading for m self, just point me in the right direction, perhaps your guild is needing a newbie almost member and you wouldn't mind a fledgling to tuck under a wing and get me back to blowing up raid bosses. lord I think we were still doing the green dragon raid when I left… thanks all
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