've noticed some of the bugs with the souls are slowly being fixed. To hopefully make things a bit easier to spot in the forums i would like to make a list of all the current cleric abilities people might think have a bug in them. I would like to ask to keep this informative and keep out any unnecessary ranting. Faith Reward stacks still gets consumed by Instant Abilities such as Seals and Legendaries that make abilities instant. Also, Druid 41 point legendary only works on melee attacks although tool tip has the way it Software Tool Video use to work which is for all abilities. Overall the Cleric still have poor low end utility access from off souls unlike all other classes. Foundation of Cleric is also built around having no more than 41 points in a soul or 61 or bust, simply because of having poor synergy if you go in between. However, Legendaries require 44 points in a soul to get your 3rd legendary in that soul which is most of the time required and as a result you lose tons of possible player options. If you have payed for sub or expansion or have funded Trion in any way with real money you should complain about the poor state of cleric. I have brought things up but I have found only they listen to big spenders or player favorites these days.
victorgrant replied
400 weeks ago