I'm a Verizon subscriber and before they came out with their unlimited plan, I was watching a lot of go90 content because it didn't count toward my cap. I started out just watching The Daily Show and the Breakfast Club but then I started watching some of the original content, which was actually not as bad as I thought it would be.
The original content is definitely targeted more at millennials. But Verizon seems to greenlight just about anything, so there is some more interesting shows that I don't think would ever really be on cable, or can't be on cable because of their format. Shows like Guidance have widely varying episode lengths (1.5-12 minutes) across 50 or 60 episodes in a season. Fifth Quarter has 15-minute episodes, and Third Wheel has 12-minute episodes. Some stuff, like Jash content, looks more like a Youtube series. And shows like Mary & Jane wouldn't generally show up on network TV given the subject matter and jokes. Embeds was just a really cool show that I could see on a major network
Donni Clark replied
405 weeks ago